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Thursday, March 01, 2007

How Fuckin' Big Is It?

The question posed to me by one of the honourable members :-) in Tyee was, basically, did I think there was any point to folks fighting on to have me "reinstated" back into Tyee?

Well, to what degree I actually have any influence over that and these folks, this was and is my final word on the subject of myself and Tyee:


Actually, like I think I may have said to you before, it is my opinion that a decision has been taken in the backroom of Tyee somewhere, that regardless, I am not to be allowed back into Tyee. In short, from the beginning, there was a different feel to this business, over previous attempts to bring me into line, and I felt as I feel, that Tyee is a done deal as far as I am concerned. (My own personal view is, based upon s firm foundation of anecdotal evidence :-) and my own experience with these "types" ,that in line with the early rumours about Tyee's financing and founding, Tyee is of greatest likelihood a creature of both "Labour" officialdom and the NDP "beholden" personnel therein-, a kind of front if you will.) and they have simply decided that I and my ideas are just too dangerous to be providing a free forum for. End of story. The anti-semitism business was always just a ruse, an attempt to create, out of the confusion of any critique of Israel, US Middle East policy, and the North American ADL lobby, a convenient peg on which to hang my banishment. (Where and how the "sexism" thing arises... Who knows? ...lest they have evidence with which to titillate you-, of which I am unaware. :-) And I won't rub their noses in it more than that. :-)

They were already in the weeds, lying in wait. :-)

In short, from the beginning of my "banishment", I was of the mind that there was nothing anyone can really do. And while I was willing to "toy" with them a tad, I am of the same mind. It is a done deal, and resistance is "likely" a pointless exercise.

They don't want my free-radical working class left, non-NDP/Big Labour tempered or disciplined views and attitude there, period. I've moved on already actually. I think you folks need to as well. Which does not mean I advocate you folks abandoning Tyee. Everybody has to make up their own mind about that kind of thing. (Though I do think that from here on, there is a great likelihood that you are all just going to be pissing into the wind. Tyee is, I think, destined to be a more NDP symp forum. And my banishment is part of the creation of that kind of a "friendlier ideological social-democrat environment". I need to be silenced in order for that to happen. It is a variation of the long established theme that the NDP can work with those to its "right", but those to its "left" are the greater enemy to be crushed. The same is the working model in the trade union movement actually. )

In any case brother/sister, y'all should individually do what ya think ya hafta do. I'm clearly outta there. 8-)




Anonymous said...

Coyote wrote:

"The anti-semitism business was always just a ruse, an attempt to create, out of the confusion of any critique of Israel, US Middle East policy, and the North American ADL lobby, a convenient peg on which to hang my banishment. (Where and how the "sexism" thing arises... Who knows? ...lest they have evidence with which to titillate you-, of which I am unaware. :-) And I won't rub their noses in it more than that. :-)

They were already in the weeds, lying in wait. :-)"

Yes, lying in wait. Very much so, Coyote. I think there is a certain time deadline at work here in this glossy makeover as well...and you just had to wink a little recklessly with the wrong eye and they would have probably banished you from the less than fiesty kingdom.

I have to say I disagree with most of my friends on the other site. I think the raving hate-monger on The Tyee was a set up. Not that I think the Tyee had any part in it (in fact I don't think that at all)...just that all my instincts tell me it was completely manufactured for a purpose by someone. There was something false about it...it hit all the stereo-types of a hateful monster in one fell swoop. Not that I don't think these guys exist, but this one came with all the links prepared and at a moment's ready. It rings false.

I think what is going on is an attempt to neutralize The Tyee... where this is exactly coming from I'm not sure. I think the hate monger on the Rafe Mair thread was a plant, and created intentionally... working for who or what I do not know.

His/her series of hate-filled comments (which had a highly stereo-typical, manufactured quality to them) came right after (and too quicky after) an excellent, extremely well-considered comment by Stump on the value of free speech... and the dangers of censorship.

I think the hate-filled comments that followed were intentionally made "to sway" the thread back to defending the need for censorship on The Tyee...and back to the process of altering The Tyee to a more moderate, less radical, less alternative site. And back to one where censorship, most importantly, was a necessary requirement.

The ousting of Coyote was an attempt to accomplish the same thing. Where this influence is coming from I have no idea but it could signal the end of the once fiesty fish...and the debut of a more farmed fish sort of Tyee.

A real shame I think when The Tyee once held out the hope for such a fresh opportunity for courageous alternative journalism and commentary.

Coyote said...

"I think the hate-filled comments that followed were intentionally made "to sway" the thread back to defending the need for censorship on The Tyee...and back to the process of altering The Tyee to a more moderate, less radical, less alternative site. And back to one where censorship, most importantly, was a necessary requirement.

The ousting of Coyote was an attempt to accomplish the same thing. Where this influence is coming from I have no idea but it could signal the end of the once fiesty fish...and the debut of a more farmed fish sort of Tyee.

A real shame I think when The Tyee once held out the hope for such a fresh opportunity for courageous alternative journalism and commentary." wrote Lynn.

Lynn, I think you are so goddamn spot on here. That guy today on Tyee and this Sentinel goose-stepper both, have the eu de parfume of setups. And to achieve the "censorship" justification ends you so rightly point to.

Folks should draw and rely on their own instincts here, as to who and what is suddenly pulling the strings on these convenient nazi caricature puppets, and for what purpose.

Beware though, censorship as the solution these guys point to. And they do point to it.

Like Lynn, I smell a trap here.

Though the battle here may just be being joined in earnest.

They want a Carol James and Jack Layton, even Liberal Party friendly set of threads as the underlying political ideology prejudice at Tyee-, is my view. And they are prepared to use censorship even to achieve it.

Been there and done that before with this particular school of political thought.

You woo your right and crush your left. That's where these guys are coming from.

Anonymous said...

Coyote go over to the Tyee, have a look at, This Poverty row and Headscarf Hoopla, Woody is in a pissing match with the Tyee, They censured one of his comments yesterday. I also think he may have got Nightbloom booted off the Tyee.

Anonymous said...

Coyote, Missed one about woody on the tyee,
Conspiracy 911, woodys subject line,
double standards, see ya.

Coyote said...

Thanks for the headsup anonymous, re the Tyee threads.

What's becoming clearer, I think, is that Beer's et al thought that by getting rid of me, they could resolve all their problems standing in the way of an NDP friendlier site. But all the have really done is, first drive more "left" friendly people away in disgust, and open their site to neoconazi domination and mischief making. Which they are managing to wreck on all the most significant Tyee threads with a vengeance. (Not considering all the "fluff" shit Tyee puts up, which nobody reads anyway.)

They have failed to understand the strength of the Neoconazi right, in all its manifestations, and that the only way to respond to its aggressiveness is fire with fire. Finally, you have to have strong enough alternative, dare I say again, radical left-wing voices capable and willing to engage these fascists. Without that/us, the more timid become but the overwhelmed victims of nutbar in your face bluster.

And that is what is happening here to Tyee. It is beginning to come unglued and implode precisely because their first line of attack was against other left voices, more radical and ready to engage than their own, who were actually, if they had thought about it, their first and best line of defence.

It has been a victory for the "right", no doubt, but not their social democratic/candy ass liberal right as they had hoped, but the neoconazis who hate them even more than us-, and don't fear them a twaddle. At least our objective was to build and increase the influence of Tyee and "the entire left". These guys really are out to destroy it. And Beers and Dickhead Glavin have helped them do that.

Too bad, too sad.

Bye, bye Beers. Bye, bye Tyee. What a dumb fuck you are. Not enough real huspah either.

If you were half as smart as you think you are, you would drop the banishment and censorship, and let your best soldiers back in again, before you are entirely over-run. But like I say, you are a chickenshit dumb fuck, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Completely lost respect for Tyee.
When I first read the Tyee it was a great forum for venting - with informed, super-literate bloggers.

My opinion of free speech means being able to argue/discuss any issue with the worst sons-of-bitches who inhabit the planet - like London's Hyde Park was.

Although Tyee never went that far - it was as close as any - and when you had its bloggers agreeing with you, it made you feel good.

(Jack's) from Tyee - but no longer!

Coyote said...


I agree entirely with you.

And I agree especially with your observation about "free speech". There is a need to be extremely wary about "censorship" of any kind, in my view, even directed against your enemies, 'cuase the minute you agree to it in principle, the entire history of radical thought tells you, you open the door to it being used against yourself. (Well, sometimes they use it anyway, as in the case of myself here. :-) lol.

But you are also right because in the case of these "worst sons of bitches" on the face of the planet, we, such as myself on the radical left, are coming from a place and position where we have to defeat these nutbar asshole's ideas and reactionary style. And "the public" has to be witness to the superiority of our ideas over theirs. It's the only way to "educate" folks really, I think, as to the nature and subtleties of the essential political differences in society.

And you don't do that when you attempt the short-cut route that isn't really at all, by dealing with these folks "administratively" with banishments, censorship and such like measures.

We have to defeat their ideas, policies, political style and programmes. And we can only really do that, in my view, by drawing and baiting them into close range with ourselves, and there engaging them, and publicly demonstrating that we have it all over them.

Something has to have been learned from the whole history of the Stalinist left, in the USSR for example, and demonstrated. That being, the importance of democracy.

Which doesn't mean that these assholes don't get crushed if they dare move violently against us. That's elementary, primal democracy too.

But short of that, and hopefully it never comes to that, the arena of conflict is in the battle of ideas within society.

(And Jack's, if you are really looking for these worst of all possible assholes, check out the Tyee: Free Speech article thread below, and a UK dude named The Sentinel. From what I've read of your stuff on Tyee, you've got what it takes. :-)

Anonymous said...

Coyote wrote:

"But you are also right because in the case of these "worst sons of bitches" on the face of the planet, we, such as myself on the radical left, are coming from a place and position where we have to defeat these nutbar asshole's ideas and reactionary style. And "the public" has to be witness to the superiority of our ideas over theirs. It's the only way to "educate" folks really, I think, as to the nature and subtleties of the essential political differences in society.

And you don't do that when you attempt the short-cut route that isn't really at all, by dealing with these folks "administratively" with banishments, censorship and such like measures."

I couldn't agree more.

The compelling nature, the incalculable value to the public of witnessing a bristling exchange of ideas and differing viewpoints is such an important (and often overlooked) essential point that you make so well here, Coyote.

It is in the arena of critical thought that these battles will be won or lost. It is crucial that people begin to think with more complexity, to weigh the arguments. How can they do that when they don't see the monsters that systems of thought create?

It is critical to our humanity that we actually hear (and thus, see) the results of certain kinds of thinking... and take them on, fearlessly, through the wrestling of ideas, through open debate... and through freedom of speech.

Coyote said...

"It is in the arena of critical thought that these battles will be won or lost. It is crucial that people begin to think with more complexity, to weigh the arguments. How can they do that when they don't see the monsters that systems of thought create?" wrote Lynn.

Amen, and amen again sister.

I must 'fess I was some worried how this was going to be taken by some of you, my fellows. :-) And I'm relieved that many of us at least are agreed in our understanding, I think, of this crucial issue.

There's no way around them, we have to simply go through some of these nutbars. :-) (Nobody said we have to be kissy face, or pretend that we like them. Just honest and sharper in our thinking and actions.)

I hope you are having a good day, good woman.

Sunshine in advance, apparently, of a pineapple express weather fron coming, that hopefully will take more of this snow of ours with it. In fact, I'm gonna saddle up my bike and head out on a long one right now. (It's been challenging but fantastic winter riding this winter. Indeed, there is a small community of us here who ride all winter long.There were about a total of three snow storm days I wasn't able to manage to get through and just had to walk it.)

I so need that time outside. It's a place that I love and my body snd mind needs. :-)