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Friday, February 16, 2007

Victoria Water District Rivers, Lakes and Streams Applications for Private Hydro Power Generation Development.

We are moving along with the list of these BC rivers, creeks and streams slated for privatized hydro power development. Additionally, with some 2000 of these waterways slated for power development, in which General Electric Corp is already involved in the background with a number, the likelihood of these applications, as matters move forward, falling under global, especially US corporate control is extremely high. Indeed, it is almost a certainty, as development occurs on these waterways, and given US burgeoning energy needs to sustain its bloated capitalist development, that these water application rights will be sold off to them, alienating them forever from Canadian control and utility, for recreational and simple aesthetic values, as well as any future economic development and sustainance needs, as we, as a distinct people and country, may decide.

It is not rocket science here, one and one continues to add up to two, and the nature of US Empire imperialist development continues to operate upon the entire world, and we will not be exempted from that pressure reality. We will idly stand by here and fall into chickenshit silence and obedience to the diktats of these US Empire needs, collaborating with our own capitalist marketplace conservatives and other US Empire Loyalist wannabes, in which case the inevitable will happen. OR we can begin to organize ourselves as a people to influence and put a stop to this dynamic being imposed upon us, both from within and in collaboration without.

I, personally, opt for this latter defence of the nation and "the peoples' interests" course. Clearly many others have yet to decide. Nobody said that life was forever going to be easy.

Application # Water Source Water Use ft/sec Company

Victoria Water District

F117999 Jordan River 366.6 BC Hydro & Power

F118000 Jordan River 2500 BC Hydro & Power

Z116950 Muir Cr. 209 Hydromax Energy Ltd.

Revelstoke Water District

C117108 S.Cranberry Cr. 137.2 Advanced Energy Systems

Z118772 Cranberry Cr. 86

Z115381 Soards Cr. 159 Monashee Power Ltd.

Z115583 Pat Cr. 148

Z117109 Kirkup Cr. 70.6 Robro Six Hldgs.Ltd.

Z117136 Mulvehill Cr. 67.1

Z117268 Drimmie Cr. 35 Bugaboo Power Ltd.

Z121488 Goldstream Riv. ? Valhalla Power Corp.

Z122408 Norman Wood Cr 264.86 Selkirk Power Company

C121742 Cranberry Lake 268 (storage-power) BC Hydro & Power

Cranberry Cr. 235 (power)

F121741 Cranberry Lake 268(Storage-power)

Cranberry Cr. 136 (power)

Prince Rupert & Terrace WD:

C117480 West Kitsault Riv 110 Alice Arm Hydro Electric Corp

Z116941 Clary Cr. 353

Illiance River 353

Z117301 Gwunya Cr. 70.63

Z117303 Klayduc Cr. 70.63

La Rose Cr. 70.63

Z117305 Stark Cr. 74.15

Z117309 Kelskiist Cr. 88.29

ZZ Cr. 88.29

Falls Cr. 2

C101260 Anyox Creek 750 Anyox Hydro Electric Corp.

C101260 Anyox Cr. 27160(storage-power) Anyox Hydro Electric Corp

Z117300 ZZ Creek 77.16

Z117304 Lyall Cr. 67.1

C114597 Cascade River 88 Regional Power Inc., Toronto

Cascade River 5000(storage-power)

C119458 Brown Lake 105.9 Epcor Hldgs.

C116502 Homestake Lk. 136 Kitsault Hydro Electric

Kitsault River 96

Z117307 Trout Cr. 105.94

Z122199 Kisault Cr ?

Z121408 Clary Cr. 80.3 Kitsault Resort Ltd.

Z121409 Lime Cr. 94.5

Z122167 Gabion River ? Gitga’at Dev. Corp

Z119104 McKay Cr. 353 574768 Bc Ltd. Burnaby,BC

Z120217 Maroon Cr. 141.26 Daryl James Hanson, Telkwa

Z120368 ZZ Cr. 87 George Henry Pattison

Z120448 Europa Cr. 755.72 Plutonic Power Corp

Z121233 Europa Cr. 755.72 0728078 BC Ltd.

Z120796 Kinskuch River ? Interpac Power Corp

(storage-power) 54000000

Z120867 Shawatlan Lake ? City of Prince Rupert

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