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Monday, February 26, 2007


Free Speech: A True Test

How far is too far?

Should anti-Semitic rants be made criminal?

By Rafe Mair
Published: February 26, 2007
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I suppose I must start this piece on civil rights by enunciating, one more time, that I haven't a soupcon of anti-Semitism in my body. I say this because more than once, when I've talked about matters that involve Jewish people, or anything the Canadian Jewish Congress doesn't see as in agreement with its core beliefs, it has brought my editors a call or even a visit.

I ask this question: why is Ernst Zündel in a German prison and David Irving in an Austrian one?

Because both those countries, based on well justified national shame, make it a law to deny the Holocaust.

Surely this is unacceptable.

Quoted from an article by Rafe Mairs

The Bloody Hypocrisy: by Coyote

If you haven't checked out Tyee today, and this actually really excellent article by Rafe Mair, you ought to do so

But the hypocrisy of it being carried on Tyee "The Tame One", by Beers and Co., and I presume with a nod of approval from his friend and Israel defender Terry Glavin, (Actually, I suspect Terry is probably apoplectic.) is at the same time nothing short of astounding! That or Beer's is having an epiphanic moment on this very personal road to his Damascus.

But what e'er it be, they, or at least the Beer one, need to acknowledge that while they now are attempting to here prove their balanced "liberalness" in all likelihood, in allowing a defence by Mairs of all Holocaust Deniers, they at the same time banned me from their threads merely for my refusing, along with very many and a growing body of knowledgable and principled Jews by the way, as I have previously printed here, to concede the founding and continuing legitimacy of Israel.

The Holocaust happened. The Jews, along with millions of Russians and other Slavs, Communists, Anarchists, Socialists, Atheists, homosexuals and such, suffered terribly in it.

Which is not even the issue for which I was banned from Tyee. I acknowledge the Holocaust, in fact . I merely questioned the legitimacy of creating a Zionist State in the Arab lands of Palestine, UN sanctioned or otherwise, to atone for European crimes against the Jews, and that Zionist Israeli State's ongoing Holocaust in turn being delivered yet upon the poor suffering Arabs of Palestine-, who had sweet dick all to do with Hitler, and in fact, until they turned on them, provided sanctuary for escaping European Jewry.

It is time for you to likewise here acknowledge your hypocrisy Beer's, apologize to me, and undo the afront, possibly even criminal hypocrisy, in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, you imposed upon me.

And it is not that I really want to write on Tyee again. I am busy and preoccupied enough now here, while Tyee itself has become droll, right-wing nutbar dominated, and lacklustre of any real debate or ideas for fear of further arbitrary bannings by yourself. I may or may not write there though-, on occasion.

But what is at issue here, for myself for sure, but also for you and the interest of the online magazine you created, is that you clear the air, allow back in the real fresh air of freedom of speech again, restore back the unthreatened ideas balance on your threads, by apologizing to me, lifting your bullshit edict against myself, and us both simply move on.

For I really do not wish either you or Tyee any ill. This country and our communities need more left and progressive friendly forums, to break the Neocon nutbar/ Can West stranglehold on ideas and information dissemination, such as Tyee should, and Freedom of Speech.ca does provide, not fewer.

Suck it up Beers, and do the manly thing. :-) (Even if you have to tell Glavin to, "Fuck off!")



kootcoot said...

Hey bro,

Rafe's name is singular i.e. Mair.

You're quite the popular guy at the Tame One today. The nutbars must be hungover, traffic is light but up to now the consensus is pretty well pro Coyote.

You undoubtably know about the fact that the Jewish folks, represented by one of the eventual Prime Ministers of Israel were negotiating with the Nazis about a homeland in Germany prior to WWII. Needless to say, they didn't work out a deal. I'm sure some googling would dig up more details about this fascinating little obscure historical occurrence.

Coyote said...

Anyway, it is fun you guys. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Coyote,

I could never quite grasp the reason d'etre for your banishment from the Tyee, except perhaps the Editor got pissed, then relied on his Editorial powers that flow with his property rights over the Tyee - and made a decision to kick you out.

The loser on that decision, in my mind, is the Tyee, for in my mind your writing has been very creative, insightful, humorous, and gave incisive points of view from the Left that but for your contribution would not have been expressed. Rest assured, the action by the Tyee to bannish speaks volumes in a way that words cannot communicate.

But given the decision, and your subsequent liberation -and the turning of your energy to your blog of Freedom of Speech.ca - we, your readers are appreciative. As you note, only on a very rare occassion do I post at the Tyee, whilst I appreciate some of the articles and the energy it takes to run the site - I don't consider myself a regular there at all. Indeed, fire a copy of this over to Mr. Beers, perhaps he will recant, but so what - I hope you stay put and devote time to Freedom of speech. ca--rest assured that with your creativity, and with persistence its readership will grow over time.


Peter Dimitrov

Larry Gambone said...

Beers must be getting an eyeful now since Rafe's column came out. One commentator suggested it was written as a kind of comment on your banning. I also note that there aren't the same number of comments on articles as before, even the righists seem to be staying away.

kootcoot said...

Larry, I agree (even the righists seem to be staying away), I seemed to notice a lack of wingnut whirlitzer players over at the Tame One during my bi-weekly visit yesterday, not that I missed them.

It was refreshing to see Fiat's comments on the TILMA article and then seeing a picture of Colin Hansen challenged my digestive system tp retain my breakfast.

Bear, I wasn't speaking to you about the spelling, Mair is pluraled all through Coyote's post.

The Sentinel said...
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Coyote said...

I appreciate all the kind words, of course. And while I would certainly like to see Tyee continue and be able to drop in there once in awhile and engage with folks, I assure you Peter, I am not about to go through all this with Beers again. It is my intention from here on in to give may major focus to developing this site here.

For, assuming Tyee actually survives this loss of credibility, what will help keep Beers & Co from engaging in this kind of arbitrary and directed against the left "censoring behaviour" again is, if he has some competition for that radical, left and progressive audience-, and the folks that want to hear it and engage with it. He has been the wunderkind in this "alternative media" thing quite long enough, and has begun to give flight to his "online business tycoon" illusions such as have been there all along with this guy.

Tyee has been a good forum, in many ways, for a very long time, and I give Beers credit for that. Which has not been his natural inclination I think, especially once we all helped create an interested audience for his rag. It has fed into his illusions, and a decision was taken that he didn't need me and us any longer.

I think we are just now beginning to see the disproof of that. Regrettably.

So, Peter, I will, as you suggest, continue to maintain my focus here in Freedom of Speech.ca.

Thanks gals 'n guys. Besides, it is great fun really. :-D lol

Larry Gambone said...

"The primary reason that the Jews have been the target of resentment over the course of history is their incessant involvement in a nations politics and their attempts to forcefully prevent any criticism of themselves."

And it is precisely comments like this that DO indicate anti-semitism. You cannot treat a group as diverse in opinion as Jews (or any other national, cultural or ethnic group) as one bloc. And why in hell should not Jews, or any other group of citizens NOT be involved in politics? And the biggest critics of right wing Jews have been progressive Jews. When anti-semitic stuff like this appears in left-wing venues it only gives credance to slanderers like Glavin that the left is anti-semitic, which it is not.

The Sentinel said...
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Coyote said...

While everyone gets to have their say here, and I would not censor it, I do not, nor do any of us here, have to agree with you. And while you make some legitimate points I think, Sentinel, the broad brush of your strokes fails to take into account the many distinctions and subtleties that exist in the so-called "broader" Jewish community, no less than in any other citizen category.

I agree with Larry Gambone; You cross the line of what I at least consider legitimate and rational discussion about amd a critique of Zionist Israeli state policy, and outright carte blanche anti-semitism-, the hatred of an entire "religious category" of people, the national citizens of many different lands from Ethiopia, to India, to China, to all the countries and ethnicities of Europe and the Western Hemisphere.

Even Catholics and Evangelicals etc. can legitimately be targets of critique, now less than Jews, but always there is a need to "distinguish" between different manifestations, opinion and actions within all these and other groups.And there are significant Jewish groups and individual Jewish opinion that share as deep and serious a critique of Zionism and Israel as, for example, I do. They are not all to be ham-fisted tarred with your same broad brush.

Again, too broad a brush Sentinel, with not near enough distinguishing qualifiers, and more sheer and simple bigotry than thoughtful or credible differentiating substance.

I knew there were going to be days and guys like you, testing the limits here. :-) That said, I actually agree with Rafe Mair's recent article in the Tyee, around true anti-semites. I would rather have you all flushed out into the open where I can see and know you, and your views, than forcing you into the woodwork to fester your poison. In such a way at least, if you ever go too far, we will at least know who you are, how you think, and where to find you if you ever dare become violent and threaten the rest of us with it.

The Sentinel said...
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Coyote said...

"So you need to amend the header to your blog that reads:

"...of unrestricted freedom of speech" writes Sentinel.

With the central over-arching fact being, you are still here Sentinel. Nobody has shut you down or out.

If one can't take the heat, one should not stray into the kitchen.

For with truly anti-semetic views, you are at least going to take heat. This forum is a free speech zone. Which doesn't mean we are just going to let you spout of anything without being challenged.

There is only one precondition here; that if you aren't prepared to stand and defend your views, then you might yourself want to consider whether you want to be here or not.

But all that said, take note. You are still here, saying whatever the fuck you want.

And folks are also free to ignore you as well. We don't ask anybody to kiss anybody's ass here either.

The Sentinel said...
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Larry Gambone said...

"now favourite to receive from Jewish groups to fund her way to power?"

You deliberately ignore what we are saying. The groups you mention do not represent all Jews, These groups represent center-right Zionists only. They do not represent left-wing, libertarian, paleoconservative or anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews. To claim that they do and in so doing represent some sort of "Jewish Conspiracy" is anti-semitism.

Larry Gambone said...

I just checked THe Sentinel's blog. Here is an example of the kind of prose you might find there;

"Two more 'left' wing blogs, with self-hating, flag-burning traitor-junkie authors..."

Think we got ourselves a little Aussie seig heiler, so I guess anti-semitism is par for the course. Hope my anarchist comrades down there whip you white little ass!

Coyote said...

Much enjoyed your "white ass" comment about our Sentinel "Seig Heiler" here, Larry. My morning chuckle.

In classic nutbar style, he ignores everyone else and hews to his own goose-stepping straight and narrow, repeating it ad nauseum.

While he gets to speak here one, nobody is especially obliged to engage him in debate at all, and secondly, we certainly don't have to by into his endlessly repeated assumptions or agree with his anti-emetic conclusions.

And this guy's arguments have all been answered, by yourself Larry and me. They're just not the answers he wants to hear.

Keep on him bro. I'm going to be a tad tied up here for awhile.

Always good to be standing back to back with you, my friend, especially against these Brownshirt cave dwellers.

Half the readership here everday are new visitors, which over the course of a week even adds up pretty good. I think it serves a good purpose for them to read and know these assholes are out there, how they think, and where the lines of difference between them and us are. It's work that needs to be done to put the anti-semetism lie against ourselves by such as Tyee and his Glavinesque social democrat backroomers, into proper perspective.

The Sentinel said...
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kootcoot said...

I went and checked out the Sentinel's blog as well. He strikes me as an equal opportunity bigot. Along with Jews, he also has no use for immigrants (especially 3rd world types into "white" countries), muslims, and people of color in general. If I read much more of his screed I'll be convinced that we can solve all the world's problems of poverty and crime by exterminating all Asians, Arabs and other people of color other than pasty white.

I can see how Larry mistakenly thought he was an Aussie, and in my experience Aussies are more likely to be red necked racists than Brits. If I'm not mistaken up until recently it was almost impossible for Asians to immigrate to Australia. I could somewhat understand their paranoia, living so close to so many as they do.

If you can stomach the prose long enough it soon becomes apparent that he is writing from the UK.

Larry Gambone said...

I read a couple of things that seemed Aussie and thought you were one. BFD It is painful to wade through all your garbage, so I did it quickly. Once agasin you, as Coyote points out, merely repeat yourself. You don't seem to understand a very basic fact that any child knows, which is SOME DOES NOT MEAN ALL. This is the flaw in the logic with all you bigots, racists and anti-semites. You take some unsavory characteristic that is found in a portion of the group and attribute it to the group as a whole. This is totally unscientific nonsense. Also I should point out that the alligation itself may also be totally fabricated.

The Sentinel said...
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Larry Gambone said...

I though you were Australian not because I think Aussies are right-wing nut bars (I don't) but a hate-filled article on some member of the Socialist Alliance, which I confused with an Australian party of a similar name. Earlier in your writings you refer to Jews in general, now you have modified it to be "rich Jews". So which is it? And why does it matter? The rich support right-wing candidates and right-wing Zionists regardless of what religion they are.
Your attempts to prove that Africans and other immigrants ae inately criminal reminds me of a story. A scientist was experimenting with fleas. He trained one to jump on command. He then cut off a leg and told the flea to jump. The flea jumped. He cut off another leg, commanded the flea to jump and it did and so on down to the last leg. He commanded the flea to jump and it pushed itself into the air with that last leg. Then he cut off the last leg and commanded the flea to jump. It sat there motionless. His conclusion? Fleas hear through their legs!

The Sentinel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Larry Gambone said...

If you don't understand my story you are stupider than I think. If you can't figure out what is wrong with your “proof” I am not going to waste my time telling you. Take it to a professor of social science. Saying you are an Aussie Seig Heiler is no more contemptuous of Australians than saying you are a Canuck seig heiler is contemptuous of Canadians, if you were one. I have spent enough time arguing with you, no matter what I write would not convince you as your world view is based upon hate and fear. Note well how you attempt to psychologically project your own hatefulness upon the people of the left, if you had a grain of self-awareness you would realize this. Nazism, fascism, racism, anti-semitism, holocaust denying are not legitimate political ideologies like conservatism, liberalism, socialism or anarchism, which at least make some attempt to adhere to reason and evidence, but is a form of social pathology based upon lies hate and fear. This is my last word with you, and in leaving I turn and spit upon your fucking white race!

kootcoot said...

Jeez Sentinel, you really push the boundries of free speech in the name of "truth," which you wouldn't recognize if it came up and bit you.
As I said, re: Australia and Asian immigration, I could be mistaken, however my recollection anectodal as it is based on conversations with Austrlians, has nothing to do with the CURRENT pop. distribution in Sydney.

As much of your drivel as I can digest without becoming over disgusted suggests to me that not only am I (and most non-mouth breathers) more intelligent than you but also much older. So when I say "up until recently" I'm not talking about how things are now, or in the 90's, or 80's. I'm talking about mid last century and before. You know - when Australia finally started accepting immigrants at all that weren't convicted criminals being forced to immigrate to the prison continent.
Oh by the way, those were mostly WHITE criminals, from guess where?

The Sentinel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kootcoot said...

To the Bigot from Britain:
It's pretty hard to argue or discuss anything with someone who obviously knows everything and has been everywhere.

Excuse me for not being able to remember if it was Mark Twain, Will Rogers or yet somebody else that said
"There's Lies, Damn Lies and then there's Statistics"

My point being, (which you should understand with your vast wisdom, experience and Mensa like mental powers, a person can find numbers to back up most any position they care to take. The fact that ethnic group X commits a Y% of a particular crime, in a particular jurisdiction certainly doesn't "prove" that this is a result of their "ethnicity."

Just because African Americans have the privilege of being a "guest of the Prison Nation of the World, in the USA, that doesn't mean they offend more because they are black. Would you think that if George Bush's daughter is caught with illegal drugs and a young black is as well that they would both have an equal likelihood of being charged and then being sentenced to prison. Well maybe in your fantasy world where you know all, Jenna or Not Jenna would go to the slammer and the Black would walk. While you're out there, say hi to DickHead Cheney for me, tell him not to worry about the batteries for his artificial heart - I send him some new ones in time - really!

By the way, I didn't realize you were also the Spelling Police, I'll try to be more careful. BTW Isn't the Sentinel missing you? Or is it in a time-out of due to vomitus interruptus!

The Sentinel said...
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kootcoot said...

Jeepers, Insentient Sentinel, brackets patrol and mental health advice are even more services you can provide to us slow folks. You're the gift that keeps on giving. I hope you manage to move to an Ivory Snow type community (99.9% pure [white]) before you die from fright and/or sheer terror of all the colored people.

The Sentinel said...
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The Sentinel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coyote said...

Now, you folks who just read here and don't comment, a not small number, read this Sentinel guy carefully. Beers et al callem me an anti-semite.

Here is the real deal. See the difference?

Somebody tells me there was a similar one on Tyee today, maybe the same one, calling himself Abraham.

Tyee shut this guy down. Which, in the context of Tyee and what they did to me, was maybe the right thing to do.

But check this Brownshirt out. Get to know him and how he thinks-, everything you can about him. THIS IS THE GUY! And he could be wearing a suit and tie, a lawyer even, or just a drug dealer. He could be riding next to ya on the bus, lookin' just about like anybody else.

Could be. Or he could have a bare arms cut-off top and be sporting lots of swastika tattoos.

Dumb as a fuckin' fence post though.

No need to be nice to these assholes.

Ehhhh, thanks koot and larry for riding shotgun in this thread, around this mindfuck. A little too much like shootin' poor gophers with their heads up though, out on the prairie grass fields.

These kind of guys are a kind of like coming across an archeological piece out in the field, like an Inca sacrificial altar where they actually tore folks hearts out with their bare hands.

:-) He's a piece of Nazi memorabilia. ( A direct line descendant of Mosleys "blackshirts", not? In England?

kootcoot said...

"I will continue to elevate your knowledge of the world and the mechanics of the language we use; my language by the way. Sporadically maybe, but you could use all the help you can get."

I hate to break it to you but "your language" or the English that they write and speak in your crowded little corner of the North Atlantic is a dialect of the current dominant version - North American English. Personally I think Canadian might be the best version today, with none of the extremes of LimeyLand or Drawlimerica. But I will admit to a bias there!

I know that I'm competing above my weight class to try and inform you of anything, but while it is true that people (dark people too, that you don't like) around the world want to learn English, the language of Globalization, High Tech etc., they generally prefer a speaker from North America. Sorry creep! They don't want to sound like Queen Elizabeth or Charles or even Margeret Thatcher (who you probably have pin-ups off on your walls) or you.

kootcoot said...

Hey Coyote, if I ever decide to go fishing for wingnuts, I'll just print out a few pages of your blog and use them for bait. I'll limit out in no time. Of course what use would I have for wingnuts, maybe they could fertilize my corn but rotting salmon would smell better.

Larry Gambone said...

I think we are honored in a way of being given this fine example of sociopathology to examine. It has all the characteristics of its type. 1. stupidity. My flea story is one usually told by college instructors to freshmen students, but it was too dumb to understand. 2. Mass ignorance is another. It did not know that the so-called white race is a social construct and does not exist. Those of us with paler skins than others are members of the Caucasian race, the majority of whom are brown skinned. I spit on a stupid and harmful social construct and numbnuts thinks I am spitting on a people and therefore as hateful as he. 3. But the psychological aspect is most interesting of all. Note all the characteristics of the authoritarian personality. Note too the underlying fear that gives rise to the hate. Only a person exhibiting a severe amount of low self-esteem could be so fearful of '”outsiders” . Perhaps abused or molested as a child. What can we do with socioppathic individuals like this? I suspect in the end they will have to undergo a lot of therapy and maybe then can return to the human race. If not isolation on an island some where.

The Sentinel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Sentinel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Larry Gambone said...

Note again the psychological projection that the subject engages in over and over again. Note too, the extreme rancor with which he faces the suggestion that he may well have been abused in some manner as a child. Observe how the subject reduces abuse to sexual abuse, when in fact there are a variety of abuse patterns, only one of which is sexual. This says volumes. Then there is the psychopathic level of violence directed at individuals (of an "inferior" race)simply because they "mouthed off" (How I loved putting mouthy 'white necks' in their place of a weekend, usually their place being in hospital.) Subject should be considered a potential danger to society

The Sentinel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Sentinel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kootcoot said...

Bigot from Britain:

I know there's many dialects in the United Kingdom, being Scottish and English I have relatives and friends from various regions with various dialects, and I can even pinpoint the orgin of those whose dialect with which I am familiar. However like all over the world dialectical variety is being smothered and disappearing due to the influence of radio and TeeVee. The same thing is happening in the United States where regional dialects are becoming less distinct due to the same influences.

Oddly enough some folks who thanks to 20/20 hindsight would be very likely to share your attitudes about immigration would be the Aborigines of Australia and all the native peoples of the New World. The would probably like to go back and exclude from entry, all people of pasty white color.

BTW, you must be a real tough guy:
"How I loved putting mouthy 'white necks' in their place of a weekend, usually their place being in hospital."

Right pal, don't hurt your pasty white little fingers because your keyboard has too much resistance. If you were in my vicinity and spouting the foul stuff you do, we would skip the hospital, we have lots of room for digging holes here in Canada.

Larry Gambone said...

Note once more the subject's low intelligence, marked by the inability to think with any complexity. Everything is divided into black and white categories, one of the plainest examples of intellectual limitation there is. Egs. Confusing the white race as a social construct with all notions of racial difference and the marked inability to comprehend a simple analogy. So too, the reduction of “Perhaps abused or molested as a child.” to sexual abuse alone. As for the subject's childhood: It is well known in the literature that childhood abuse (and not just of a sexual nature) is a the common background for sociopaths. Note the violence of his denial and how the subject projects the sexual abuse upon the analyst. Indeed the subject, though certainly the victim of some sort of childhood abuse, physical, emotional or verbal, or childhood bullying, may not have been sexually abused, the extremity of his denials and projections indicates some level of deep sexual repression. It is also well known in the literature that individuals attracted to nazi-type or fascistic doctrines tend to latent homosexuality. This manifests in hyper-masculinity, homophobia and brutal behavior as a cover for the repressed desire. We note this behavior in the subject. Once more, this subject is a danger to society and should undergo extensive psychotherapy.

kootcoot said...

Even though I promised myself that I would quit feeding the insentient one, I came across something that made me think of his misguided rants.

From the historian Manning Clark,

"When the six Australian states federated as a nation in 1901, "a Commonwealth . . . independent and proud", said the headlines, the Australian colonists made clear that independence was the last thing they wanted. They wanted Mother England to be more protective of her most distant colony which, they pleaded, was threatened by a host of demons, not least the "Asiatic hordes" who would fall down on them as if by the force of gravity. "The whole performance, stank in the nostrils."

That last line reminds me of the insentient one. Also he can take pride in the knowledge that his bigotry enjoys a long history and tradition. Unless he thought he invented his "brand" of wisdom.

The Sentinel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Larry Gambone said...

Note again, the subjects use of projection. Note too, the obcession with pedophilia he reveals. As stated previously, the suggestion was raised that the root of the subject's profound insecurity lies in some form of child hood abuse, either physical, emotional or sexual, but was certainly not reduced to the latter. That childhood abuse (in whatever form) leads to low self esteem is one of the most well known facts of contemporary psychology. Although the subject's mental age level may well be too low to understand this book, I do suggest that Alice Miller's "Drama of the Gifted Child" be read - or anything else by Miller, for that matter. Returning to the subject's obcession with pedophilia, which he typically projects upon the analyst, it has also become apparent that pedophilia, though perhaps not to the same extent of serial murder, is a crime of the socially conservative, the same cultural pattern as the subject. The lack of empathy among social conservatives, as is exemplified by their hatred of other cultures and races, lies at the root of this affinity. This is not to say that all social conservatives are pedophiles or serial killers, but that it comes out of that cultural matrix. The use of threats against the analyst and other commentators indicates once more, that the subject is sociopath and a danger to society.

The Sentinel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Larry Gambone said...

It seems the subject can at least read a pamphlet on anthropology. Still engages in projecting his fantasies on the author by twisting quotes or taking them out of context, as though a historian who wrote about cannibalism, say, practiced it as well. Subjects obcession with pedophilia more evident than ever.

Larry Gambone said...

We can now see plainly the psychology of the anti-Semite and get some insight into why this condition exists. The subject is in deep denial about his affliction and lashes out violently at the suggestion that he has a problem. He is also of low intelligence. He seeks solace in pseudo-scientific ideas about race in order to bolster his extremely low self esteem. Many of the greatest thinkers past and present are Jews. This fact makes the subject uneasy, comparing their brilliance with his incompetence. Furthermore, these same Jewish thinkers touch upon those very areas that he does not wish to have examined. Most of the great psychologists were Jews; Freud, Reich, Adler, Fromm, Frankel to name the best known. Subject will go to any length to deny and repress his emotional problems, yet it is these people's ideas that have made us insist upon examining them. And of course, Karl Marx, another Jew, shows us that the real issue is class division and not race, thus threatening to take away the very prop that the subject leans on to maintain his character structure.

Coyote said...

"And of course, Karl Marx, another Jew, shows us that the real issue is class division and not race, thus threatening to take away the very prop that the subject leans on to maintain his character structure." writes Larry.

Now that was an outstanding set of observations, bro. And an interesting approach. providing a whole new interesting set of insights into this personality and political type.

You're in over your head, Sentinel. Not either enough brain power or really thought through insights. It's why I wearied of you long ago.

Provide us with something really fresh, or maybe you should just stop making such an embarrassing spectacle of yourself.

The Sentinel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Larry Gambone said...

Subject continues to promote his pseudo-scientific mania as a legitimate philosophy. Of course he needs this legitimacy to bolster his low self-esteem. Subject continues state of denial, projection and obcession with pedophilia. The original statement of analysis contained only 3 words "perhaps abused or molested" and yet I rough count 200 words that subject has written on molestation. The point that child abuse does not mean just sexual abuse but includes physical, verbal and emotional abuse as well as neglect, is ignored by subject. Subject's obcession with pedophilia may not indicate actual sexual molestation, but may be a defense against dealing with the (non-sexual) abuse that he endured as a child and gave rise to his present insecurity and deep hostility. Subject regards anlysis as a personal attack, which is, of course, one more example of his defensiveness. This is a deeply wounded individual, but that does not mean that he is not dangerous to society. I repeat again, the subject should read Alice Miller. If not her books at least her web site, See http://www.alice-miller.com/index_en.php

The Sentinel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kootcoot said...

What amuses me about the non-sentient one, well one of the things, is how he accuses anyone who disagrees with him, which includes pretty much everyone with a working brain, of being only able to respond with insults.

Yet to quote the brain himself.

"....you pair of buffoons;"
"I am British you fool,"
"You really are an idiot aren't you?"
"You are a waste of hard drive space and bandwidth."
"Go see someone about it pal, mental health is precious."
"What a trio of empty, angry, hypocritical losers."
I thought these few were special
"You really are a sick and twisted fuck."
"What a pair of unbelievably puerile and petty fuckwits!
"Not only are you a sick and twisted fuck, but you are a slithering and lying one as well."
"you twisted, warped pedophile."

"You are just a mop monkey; a broom bitch."

That's enough garbage to copy and paste in one morning. But I'm so glad that you refrain from insults and pursue a discussion based on "facts" and analytical thought.

I have just a couple more things to say to you.

One I am not "enraged" though it does sound like you are. You are a guest here and if you cease to amuse can be easily disposed of. I might become enraged if you were actually present in meat space and refused to fuck off when asked to do so.

"(Pedophiles are not well received in any place.)" I'm sure you are speaking from personal experience of being poorly received.

And as to:
"A genius such as this, having to wipe up other people's shit, piss and vomit, on its hands and knees face into the filth, being instructed by people without enough intelligence to even gain diplomas."
It ain't my problem if you don't like your job!

Coyote said...

A gem of his neoconazi species, eh koot?

He's like all the very worst one's, save maybe that last Abraham one on Tyee, all rolled into one great bejeezus caricature of themselves. Makes old cappy from Tyee look positively gentle and progressive. LOL. Woody just a clown.

Like in all kinds of folks, these guys have some (relatively) smarter ones I've come across, (thinking for example sdgreen) and, of course, as old Woody and this guy typify, the dumber ones. But what typifies them all, when they're not caged and restrained like the environment in Tyee more or less kept them, they emerge full blown as what they really are; all the stereotyping of lesser than themselves sexual, class and racial groups, over which they, racially and ideologically pure themselves, stand atop the untermenschen pile. And they stand there, their faces contorted with contempt weilding their broad brush of smear, contempt and rage like a great Jesus sword all about themselves.

If you weren't such an intellectually sorry and dangerous sot Sentinel, you could garner some sympathy, even here. You clearly need help, or a white jacket with sleeves that tie in the back.

Larry Gambone said...

I wonder if the Unsentiant One has some Aboriginal ancestry, of which as a white racist he is deeply ashamed, thus leading to his obsessive hatred of people of color. Remember Hitler had some Jewish ancestry and as an anti-Semite this burned within him. Note his delusions of grandeur. Here is someone whose comprehension level is low, who has difficulty writing a coherent sentence, and undoubtedly uses a dictionary to find “big words” to throw at us, yet, he sees himself as qualified to comment on history, anthropology and psychology. This is of course, a common trait with these semi-literate right-wingers. Anyway, it's been a slice, but why don't you trot on back to your sheep and kangaroos?

The Sentinel said...
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The Sentinel said...
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Larry Gambone said...

Subject continues in state of denial and projection of his obsessions and problems upon his critics. The following e-book “The Authoritarians” by Professor Altemeyer of the University of Manitoba is an excellent work, (even though we differ upon the veracity of the Freudian approach,) and I highly recommend that the subject go to the URL and read it. Here he will finally understand his character structure and why he suffers from delusions and paranoia.

The Sentinel said...
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Larry Gambone said...

Perhaps it is time we ended this game. It has been a lot of fun and I haven't had so many laughs in quite a while. I have been waiting for you to catch on and realize we are taking the piss out of you, baiting you, just to make you rant and rave, but evidently you are so lacking in a sense of humour that you can't. In spite of your fondness for sheep, you are certainly no Aussie, as they do have a sense of humour! As is often the case, jokes can have a bit of serious reality. The reality is that someone like you, full of fear and rancour directed at immigrants, Jews, people of colour, leftists etc is reacting this way because of deep-rooted emotional/psychological sub-conscious reasons. I have provided you with Dr. Alice Miller and Dr. Robert Altemeyer and a reading of their articles and works will help you to overcome your problems. I suggest for your own emotional health that you read them.

The Sentinel said...
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Larry Gambone said...

I suspect, given by the similarity of writing and the nature of the posts, you must be the same person who wrote in my blog, "I come across your blog from a comment you left at a blog called 'void' ( http://johnnyvoid.blogspot.com/index.html) 12/11/06 and decided to have a look at your posts. I have found that they are well thought out and articulately argued."

Note the last sentence...

The Sentinel said...

Once more you are delusional and / or completely underhanded.

I have found the comments you refer to, and of course they are not mine. Posted anonymously, just a cut and paste, I, as you will note, always use my blog name, the comment has no datestamp and comment moderation - i.e censorship - has been enabled on your blog to prevent refutation.

The most disturbing thing is that the comment has been posted (by you?) in a lengthy article you wrote about your favourite subject- PEDOPHILIA.


What the hell is wrong with you, man.

You then go on to have a debate with a full on pedophile.

You just cannot stay away from the subject can you, it fascinates you.

I think you cut and pasted tat comment yourself, in another underhanded attempt at discrediting.

By the way, thanks for your gibberish about latinos and Canada, and the information about your Latino prison wife, Glenora isn't it (Glen to his cell buddies.)

Larry Gambone said...

Now who is delusional? Deny what you wrote eh? Check out the long screed you sent about Johnny Void, for whom you also posted anonymously. Furthermore, the article in question, as anyone can see is an examination of how pedophilia is a right-wing affliction. As for my "obcession" with it, out of hundreds of articles and postings over the years I have written maybe two on this subject - all relating to the psychology of the far right.

The Sentinel said...

It just a cut and past (with a few additions) of a post I made on my blog.

I know tha i have not posted this on your blog, I cannot imagine who else would bar for you.

Right slap bang in the middle of more perverted filth on pedophilia. You are even having a chat with a pedophile, how did he know where to find you? I'll take a guess.

Go easy on your jail house wife Glen(ora).